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Valerie Capone

University of Colorado Boulder Digital Art 1

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  • Writer's pictureValerie Capone

Exquisite Corpse Soundscape 4:33

Updated: Feb 29, 2020

This sound piece has many different sounds repeated throughout, each giving me a sense of peace. The primary sound that plays the most is the sound of someone walking through snow crunching each step as they go. Next comes a torch fire followed by a washing machine.

These sounds remind me of the comfort of being home, with food being made under a flame, washing being done at home, and the snow that gets shoveled during the early hours.

While I didn't get many kisses at home, after a meal at home it sure feel like I did. In the middle of the piece (2:19-2:23) there's a short pause distinguishing the rest of the sounds as louder or in a sense “rougher” to the ear.

This may be because as time progresses in life things seem to become more difficult with less help. The handle flick repeatedly tells the listener “we aren't home anymore, we're in a dorm”.

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